Mini symposia/Special sessions

MS45 Value of Information and Decisions

Prof. Sebastian Thöns:

Session Chairs:
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thöns (BAM, Berlin, Germany and Lund University, Sweden,
Prof. Dr. Alan O' Connor (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland,
Prof. Dr. Michael Faber (Aalborg University, Denmark,

Abstract of the special session:
Western and developed societies are confronted with an aging built environment, limited economic and ecological resources and the incentives for societal wealth. Recent industrial developments triggered by digitalization are driven by economic efficiency, which, however, should also account for societal, governmental and industrial necessities for human safety, wealth and environmental friendliness. These challenges require an integration of knowledge, performance and utility management, which is facilitated e.g. by the utilization of value of information and decisions analyses.
Value of information and decisions analyses have penetrated reliability and risk engineering science and have led to a variety of scientific developments in terms of frameworks, methods, algorithms and tools. They can be employed to analyze and to optimize complex engineering system for their utility encompassing risks, capital and operational expenditures as well as robustness, resilience and potentially sustainability. We are encouraging and welcoming contributions of researchers with an engineering or environmental engineering background with contributions to the following topics:

  • Decision analyses across life cycle phases of engineering systems
  • Sustainability value of information and decisions
  • Utility modelling and analysis including sustainability, resilience, robustness
  • Information modelling and analysis with the focus on digital information, big data, industry 4.0
  • Experimental substantiation of decision analysis with posterior information
  • Consequence modelling including risk perception modelling

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