Mini symposia/Special sessions

MS08 Risk and Resilience of Civil Infrastructure under Natural Hazards in a Life-Cycle Context

Assistant Prof. You Dong:

Session Chairs:
You Dong, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Dan M. Frangopol, Fazlur R. Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture, Lehigh University,

Abstract of the special session:
Infrastructure systems provide critical services for our daily life (e.g., water, energy, transport, communication). Due to the frequent occurrence of hazards and their effects on life-cycle performance, reliability, and resilience of our infrastructure under natural hazards are of utmost importance to aid the risk-informed decision making. Considering climate change effects, hazard intensity and probability of simultaneous occurrence of multiple hazards are expected to increase. This mini-symposium brings together researchers from academia and industry to address problems of design, assessment, and management of infrastructure under natural hazards in a life-cycle context by considering different performance indicators (e.g., reliability, risk, resilience,). Potential topics include: reliability analysis, vulnerability and risk assessment, performance-based engineering, resilience assessment and enhancement, climate change adaptation, and hazard mitigation and management. Emphasis will be placed on topics dealing with natural hazards, climate change, risk assessment, community resilience, and life-cycle engineering. Practitioners as well as researchers in the areas of structural and sustainable engineering are encouraged to participate.

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